We are creating an Open Art community artwork - OA24 CoCreated. All artists who care about open art in Folkestone are invited to put an image in a collective version of the OA24 logo. And raise funds for the festival. The way it works is that the art will be a collection of 50+ pieces all made from a random selection of 4 submitted artworks. The key thing is that the audience become curators; they decide what combinations go in the final collection when they decide to buy a piece. All contributing artists get a free digital edition, and when they collect their edition their combination will be entered into the collection. 50% of all digital sales (mints) will go to the OA24 festival, the rest will go to the artist who conceived and created the work Chris Gage, aka ChrisCoCreated, a Folkestone based digital community artist. The project is open to all artists with a connection to Folkestone…