Amanda Wood and Clare Hamilton will be constructing a SHIP OF FOOLS. Local residents, families and artists will be invited to participate in making FOOLS from recycled/repurposed materials to crew the ship. To create a wide variety and as many FOOLS as possible. Join the family workshops over the first weekend of the festival

The SHIP OF FOOLS installation will be open for viewing at the Woodshed Gallery over the second weekend of the festival. No booking will be required, just turn up.

We hope that by hosting an engaging and inclusive event in an accessible way, we can involve a wide range of people in the creative process whilst prompting discussion on the problems of plastics in the sea and litter on the beaches, and encouraging the reuse and recycling of materials.

Amanda Wood and Clare Hamilton have collaborated on various projects and supported each other’s creative practices since meeting in Folkestone in 2018. Amanda’s work takes inspiration from nature, mythology, and childhood memories. Her studio above the gallery of the Woodshed is a perfect place to work, with views across Folkestone and the Downs.

With a background in fine art and sculpture, Amanda works in a variety of media – oil and acrylic painting, ceramics, wood carving and illustration. Clare’s background is in design for branding and print which she has left behind to paint atmospheric and weather-filled seascapes and landscapes inspired by the big skies and ever-changing light at the coast. She also works with reclaimed materials collected from our beaches. Amanda and Clare are members of Folkestone Art Society, and Amanda supports the group in her role as joint Exhibition Officer.

@thewoodshed_folkestone @clarehamiltonstudio