We will engage in writing exercises as we look at portraits of models through the ages. These portraits will be a combination of paintings, pictures and photographs of muses and models – some nude, some not – and together we will explore themed prompts. With easy and accessible writing exercises we’ll create pieces that will unlock the models’ innermost thoughts. This is a writing workshop for everyone, whether you think you can't write - or it's your most favourite thing. Everything written will be celebrated whether it gets spoken or not.

15 People Max.

To book your place click here

Tamsin Larby is a writer with a background in theatre, including producing The Vagina Monologues, who recently has been writing for the screen after gaining an MA in screenwriting from the London College of Communication. Recent credits have been Angry Bird, a radio play broadcast in 2022 and then selected for the UK International Audio Drama Festival 2023. Her TV pilot script Planet Rising received a number of accolades in 2022, including winning an option by The Writers Lab UK & Ireland 2022/23 for a six-month development process. She also has over 20 years’ experience of delivering arts-based healthy relationships workshops, having set up the charity Tender Education & Arts. Many years ago she was an artist’s model as well!
