Simon Baker (SyBakerart) studied Design and Photography at West Sussex College of Art & Design 1978-80, before taking up Medical Illustration in the NHS then Head of Medical Illustration for the RAF Hospitals. He approaches creating by letting the story unfold as it is revealed to him through the subject. He defines his work as a balance between learnt technique, spiritual inspiration and an emotional reaction. The ultimate goal is to seek truth, and be unafraid to share what he finds through the creative process and visual expression. He moved to Folkestone in 2021, support disabled person, Curator of the Quested Gallery & Creativespace at Cheriton Baptist, loves experimenting with different types painting medium and having a go at anything creative.

Art Talk - led by SyB participatory Art as theology - discussion as to art being a way to express belief in//of the divine /of the lived in world / world view.

Visit Sy’s website here
