Help potato-printing artist and illustrator, James O’Brien raise money for local food bank, The Rainbow Centre. James will be potato-printing 15-minute portraits between 11AM and 4PM. Adults, Couples, Children, Dogs, and other pets welcome!

Book your slot here

Here is a handy FAQ that covers most things.

HOW TO DONATE? Donate on the day, via QR code directly to Rainbow Centre. Potatoes can be very unpredictable, so donate what you can or what you think your potato portrait is worth.

WHAT ABOUT FOOD WASTE? I use potatoes that are not fit for consumption, to help reduce food waste.

CAN YOU PRINT US AS A COUPLE? Yes, please book two time spots or the results won't be pretty.

CAN YOU PRINT FROM A PICTURE? Yes, if you bring a picture of someone else (a celebrity, or your favourite horse) to the event, I'll have a go at potato printing them.

HOW BIG ARE THE PORTRAITS? I print on A4 paper, using a regular sized potato - so the results are quite small. However, if you want your portrait scanning and blowing up to A3 or A2, then I can arrange also arrange that for you.

HOW LONG DO THE PORTRAITS TAKE TO DRY? I have a hairdryer (not mine) to speed up the process, but they should be all good to go in 30-45 minutes. Essentially enough time to have a pint. Portraits will be wrapped in acid free paper and placed in an envelope for you to take home, or you can arrange to pick up another time.

All artwork can be taken home, or picked up the next day once dry. Potato Printer is raising money for local food bank, The Rainbow Centre.

Potato Printer is the brainchild of James O’Brien. James is an artist, illustrator, and writer who makes very silly things for very silly people. With potatoes. Over the last 10 years James has worked with brands like H&M, Dropbox, and Woodmansterne to develop and create fun potato-printed products that people love. He has displayed his work with The London Illustration Fair since 2019. Potato printing is a simple but vibrant form of relief printing. James chops old potatoes into chunks, and carves a shape or pattern into the flat surface. A quick dunk in some paint, and James presses the potato onto paper to create a world of daft but relatable animals, who are all trying their best at life.