All creatures short and small - a compact poetry workshop

Did you know a poem can be only a word long? How about two- or three-word poems? Learn to fit your idea into a short, punchy and concise poem with your knowledgeable teacher. Discover the joy of experimenting with words, rediscover your creativity and feel more confident. Only 10 tickets available!

Book your ticket here

Michał Kamil Piotrowski is a visual poet, text artist, and curator. He mostly writes experimental, visual, and technology-powered poetry. He enjoys making poetry interactive and he often works with found text. The themes he explores the most are technology, politics, love, and mental illnesses. His first book, an interactive text ‘The Cursory Remix’ (2021, Contraband Books) has been co-written by Google Translate. His second experimental book 'The Idiotlect Dicktionary' was published by Veer in 2023. His TEDx talk 'The Power of Experimentation: Poetry for the 21st Century' is worth watching.

Visit Michal’s website here
