In my practice I employ a repetitive process to create site-specific free-flowing sculptures, in historical buildings or design gorilla installations in urban and rural locations. Fragile, seemingly ephemeral, inconsequential, the structures are translucent or reflective made from every day, single used plastic products.

Achieved through a labour-intensive craft process my work mirrors multinational institutions trajectory to retain growth and profit. With our ever-increasing concentration of non-biodegradable plastics in the world, discarded by a society constantly enticed to purchase new products, these wonders of technology and convenience, illustrate the investment of billions. Yet there is a lack of responsibility and accountable by these same corporations to resolve our present dilemma where many of these plastics are estimated to take trillions of years to break down.

My prevailing concern is with the throw away plastics already in existence and how it relates to our human condition and make up. Is there a connection between our complicity and dependence on plastic with our natural intuition to exploit everything around us as a commodity and will this inevitability expediate us.

Based near Ashford in Kent, I exhibit within United Kingdom and in São Paulo, Brazil. Completed my MA in Fine Art during covid in 2020 and without a degree show I needed to trouble shoot my work into industrial locations in order to document it. This liberated my practice beyond the confines of the gallery, to reach and communicate with the public in a more authentic way and on their own terms.

Visit Lorrain’s website here
