Artsplunk is an invitation for people to play together... part game, part evolving installation, it is an opportunity to work together or to compete! To connect across different opinions, stretch your game playing muscles and see if you can help make all the people of folkestone hopeful! For anyone who feels like they'd do well at giant kerplunk, this is your opportunity to combine art, game playing and political ranting. Artsplunk is rolling. Come and play at the time that suits you best. Open to All - regardless of your feelings about art. Created by local artist Chloe Osborne.

Chloe Osborne is an Artist, Facilitator and Creative Director who collaborates with communities, artists and institutions, to imagine and co-create participatory and outdoor art projects and curate transformative events. Her work often takes the form of installations in hijacked spaces and explores collective art making as a strategy of resistance, rebellion and re-imagining.

She is a Founding Director of Project AWE (Artists With Elbows), a gathering of international artists which works to connect locally embedded practice and practitioners across borders.
