ART & SOULWORK - Angela Schütz Questions about the human condition have attracted me since my early 20s. I've explored them in therapy, in the academic context of university and training as a counsellor, in religion and spiritual practices, and through my art. In this process art and soul have become inseparably linked for me with one being the key to the other. "Creativity is being in the world soulfully,  for the only thing we truly make, whether in the arts, in culture or at home, is soul."  This quote by Thomas Moore perfectly reflects my experience of creativity in my own life. Creativity that only really touches me when it has something of a lived soul in it. That's why I love things with a (hi)story, things that have already lived, and work mostly with objects and materials that I find or buy second-hand. Whether it's a piece of glass from a broken chandelier, an old doll or a jam jar lid, anything can find its way into my work if it touches and inspires something in my soul that wants to be expressed and offered back into the cycle.

Angela is exhibiting as part of the Kollectiv Group Show.
